Foot massage | Basic foot massage movements

Hello everyone! This is Stanislav Chernog. A properly performed foot massage not only has a therapeutic effect, but also brings a lot of pleasure. What are the massage movements for the feet? Today I will talk about foot massage and show you how to properly massage the feet, so that it is not only useful for the patient, but also for yourself. To learn how to massage the foot with your own hands, watch this video about 5 basic massage movements and you'll be able to apply the massage techniques to your family and friends' feet today.

The best sleeping position / How to sleep properly so as not to hurt my back?

Hello everyone! This is Stanislav Chernog. Who sleeps in the wrong position, he gets problems with the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, posture, memory and the body in general. How does the position of the body during sleep affect our well-being and health? How to find your ideal sleeping position and accustom your body to it? And why should people who snore by no means sleep on their back? The questions are extremely important - this video is dedicated to them.

Massage the buttock area / 5 basic techniques / Butt massage / Ass massage

Hello everybody! I'm Stanislav Chernog. How to massage the buttocks? Can massage the buttocks to improve their condition? Why is massage of the buttocks so important? In this video we will talk about the basic massage movements of the buttocks. Gluteal massage is popular because of its effectiveness and versatility. Depending on the patient's age, end goal, techniques and techniques, massaging the same area can vary beyond recognition.

How to massage the inner thigh? / How to tone the inner thigh area?

Hello everyone! I'm Stanislav Chernog. Today we're going to talk about the inner thigh area and how to work with it. Why is it important? Because it is not only a matter of figure beauty, but also a matter of your patient's health. Watch this video to the end and learn about the peculiarities of working with the lymphatic areas! How to massage the thighs? How to work with the inner thighs? We'll talk about everything in more detail in our video today. Dear colleagues, how often do you encounter problems with the inner thigh? Write about it in the comments.

Why the belly appears / How to work the transverse abdominal muscle?

Hello everyone! I’m Stanislav Chernog. How to remove the stomach? How to work the transverse abdominal muscle? Why is the transverse abdominal muscle so important? What are the exercises for the abdomen except the abs? Today we are going to talk again about the most important parts of the body. The topic of this video: the transverse abdominal muscle. The key function of the transverse muscle is to support the internal organs as well as help the diaphragm in the breathing process.

Preventing Colds | How Not to Get Coronavirus, Influenza and ARVI?

Hello everyone! This is Stanislav Chernog. In this video we will talk about a timely topic for today - coronavirus. Everybody knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to fight later with its manifestations and complications. The best preventive measure against colds is a strong immune system. It acts as a defender of the body, preventing dangerous microorganisms from entering or destroying them. How to improve immunity on your own? How not to catch coronavirus and not to get the flu? What should be the prevention of viral diseases?

How to get rid of cellulite / What helps with cellulite and what does not?

Hello everyone! Stanislav Chernog is with you. Orange peel does not go away? And you spent a decent amount on the gym, brushes and wraps? How to get rid of cellulite? The Internet is replete with many tips on how to remove cellulite, but not everyone actually knows what helps against cellulite. Today we will take apart the most popular methods, we will understand which of them work and I will explain why they are effective.

What your face says about your health? / How to keep your face young and beautiful? / Face massage

Hello everyone! This is Stanislav Chernog. Face massage You do not know how to preserve youth and beauty of the face? Then this video will be useful to you! If you do not maintain the beauty and health of the skin of the face, you can quickly lose an attractive appearance. And many people are afraid of this! But how to extend the youthfulness of your skin without surgery? Be sure to watch this video to the end to find out all the details! What diseases can you tell from your face? Why do facial wrinkles appear? How to effectively fight problems on the face?

Basic techniques of back massage / How to make correct massage movements?

Hello everyone! This is Stanislav Chernonog. Today I will tell you about the basic massage movements, because many of our subscribers are interested in how to massage the back. You will learn how to do massage properly to make it effective. I will show you the techniques of classic massage, explain how the massage will change depending on how you stand over the client, and I will also tell you how the vibration in the massage affects the sensation.

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