Salabhasana - The Locust Pose

Good to strengthen the muscles and nerves in the shoulders and neck. Doing this asana regularly improves digestion.

How to do Salabhasana?

  • Lie down flat on your abdomen. Place your hands beneath your thighs.
  • Rest your head on your chin - that is, your face must not be on the floor.
  • Breathe deeply or a while.
  • Inhale. Raise your legs as high as you can.
  • Make sure your knees remain straight as your legs are lifted.
  • Maintain the posture for about 5 seconds at the outset.
  • With practice, increase the timing to about 30 seconds.
  • Exhale. Lower your legs gradually onto the floor. Relax.


Salabhasana belongs to a group of asanas called the “baby backbends.” Its Sanskrit name, salabha means “grasshopper” or “locust.” Also called the Locust Pose, Salabhasana is a seemingly simple pose that is more challenging and interesting than it appears on the surface.



Step by Step

  • Lie on the belly with arms along your torso’s sides. The forehead should rest on the ground and palms face upwards


શલભ એટલે ટીકડું. આ આસનની સ્થિતિ તીડ જેવી દેખાય છે. તેથી આ આસનને શલભાસન કહેવામાં આવે છે. આ આસન સૌ કરી શકતા નથી, થોડું અઘરું છે, તેથી તેનું એક હળવું રૂપ શોધાયું છે તેને અર્ધ શલભાસન કહે છે. આ આસનને એક પગે વારાફરતી કરવામાં પણ આવે છે જેને અર્ધ શલભાસન કહેવામાં આવે છે. તે સહેલું હોઈ બધા જ કરી શકે છે.
આ આસન ભુજંગાસનનું પૂરક છે. ઘેરંડ સંહિતામાં શલભાસન વિશે નીચે પ્રમાણે ઉલ્લેખ કરવામાં આવ્યો છે.


शलभासन करने की विधि :

  1. सर्वप्रथम पेट के बल लेट जाएँगे । 
  2. पैरो को पास रखेंगे और हाथों की मुत्ठियाँ बनाकर जांघों के नीचे रखेंगे। 
  3. अब दोनो पैरो को साँस लेते हुए उपर उठाइए ।
  4. धीरे से वापिस लाइए ।
  5. 5 बार इसी  तरह दोहरायें ।
  6. ध्यान रखिएगा पैरो को उपर ले जाते समय घुटने से सीधा रखेंगे।

शलभासन करने की साबधानियाँ :

हर्निया ,आँतों की गंभीर समस्या व हृदय रोगी इस अभ्यास को न करें।


ആദ്യം താഴെ പറയുനതുപോലെ അര്‍ദ്ധ ശലഭാസനം ചെയ്തു പഠിക്കുകവിരിപ്പില്‍ കമിഴ്ന്നു കിടക്കുക.കാലുകള്‍ പിന്നിലേക്കു നീട്ടി, പാദങ്ങള്‍ മലര്‍ത്തി, ഉപ്പൂറ്റികള്‍ ചേര്‍ത്തു വയ്ക്കുക.വിരലുകള്‍ പിന്നിലേക്കുനീണ്‍ടിരിക്കണം.കൈകള്‍ താഴേക്കു നീട്ടി മുഷ്ടികള്‍ ചുരുട്ടി നാഭിക്കടിയില്‍ വയ്ക്കുക. താടി നിലത്തു മുട്ടിയിരിക്കണംശ്വാസം ഉള്ളിലേക്കെടുത്ത് വലതു കാല്‍ മുകളിലേക്കുയര്‍ത്തുക. കാല്‍ മുട്ടു വലയരുത്.

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