Vata Dosha Balancing Flow

A great class for beginners. Balance the air and space elemental combination of the Vata dosha energy. Move through longer holds as you focus on your alignment to bring your awareness into your body and the present moment and reduce anxiety and stress. Finish with Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (alternate nostril breath work).

Vinyasa Flow for Pitta Dosha ~ Beginner/Intermediate

Becoming aware of the tendencies of the pitta dosha within us. Where can you soften? Find the balance of effort and ease? And notice when the ego shows up and over-rides what your body is signalling? The pitta force within us can sometimes become a little TOO fiery 😅 Your yoga practice is not a competition or a place to aim for goals and perfection… simply release the to-do lists and be with your body, mind and breath. Stay present x

20/50 Minute Intermediate Energising Kapha Vinyasa Flow

A flow to help stimulate and release any sluggish energy you feel within your body and mind. Choose to join for just the first 20 minutes of the class if you are beginner/intermediate and move through energising sun salutations to ignite your energy. Continue on for the full class to create a little more heat in the body!

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