Working out is not easy. There, I finally said it. Some days you have to push yourself to get out of your door and hit the gym, and some days you wake up energetic and ready to get it on. However, in both cases, when you see the combined results on the inside and outside, your energy levels will spike up again, and you will feel more motivated than ever before. I know that seeing my body and mental health improve over the years has led me to keep working out as part of my daily routine.


Even if the polar vortex is still in full swing where you live, you will be trading in puffy coats for tank tops before you know it. Luckily, you do not have to log tons of time at the gym to tone your core and your arms—just use moves that sculpt both body parts at the same time. Personal trainer and stand-up paddle (SUP) instructor Shannon MacDowell says that several SUP movements fire up the muscles in your arms, shoulders, and upper back—while engaging your entire core.


Do you spend long hours at a stretch sitting at your office desk with little to no daily exercise? Do you feel drained in mind, body and soul after a long tiring day at work? Do you suffer from constant shoulder, neck and back pain after a hard day at work? If the answer is yes, then you certainly need to get proactive about your mental and physical health. You must be thinking how is it possible to do so while sitting at your desk Well, yoga is the way for you!


Almost all of us develop back pain at some point in time in our lives due to injury, overuse or disease. Yoga for back pain is an excellent therapy for healing sore and injured back muscles, reducing recovery time, preventing re-injury, and reducing the risk of disability from back pain. Yoga for back pain helps alleviate lower back pain by strengthening and stretching the muscles of the lower back, reducing inflammation and increasing circulation of blood and prana.


Dubai fitness challenge began yesterday! A city initiative taken by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the dashing Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council for Dubai Government with the aim to motivate residents to take up physical activity and make Dubai the most active city in the world. The challenge that commenced on 20th of October (i.e. yesterday and ends on 18th of November) calls for some body movement and getting in shape.


It’s amazing to have received a great response from all of you for the fitness video I uploaded last week in sync with the Dubai fitness challenge (www.dubaifitnesschallenge.com). I’m glad to know that you all have liked my fitness videos and have found them to be fun and exciting. So I am super thrilled this week to bring out the second video in this series where I will show you five power-packed exercises that will help you burn fat and release your happy hormones. Take your training up-gear with these five simple moves.


Busy at work? That’s no excuse! Because all you need is 30 minutes for yourself… I’m here again this week to pump you up to get moving and show you some super cool exercises that you can do in just 30 minutes anytime, anywhere during the Dubai Fitness Challenge. So disconnect from your desk and fire up your mind and body with this 30 minute power workout! Ready for some smart moves? Push Ups Start in a high plank position placing your hands right under your shoulder and your knees touching the ground with your legs crossed and straight.

Wellness Ball Exercises

I have recently been appointed as a wellness ambassador for Technogym for the Middle East region and I am super excited to be associated with the brand because Technogym, known as ‘the wellness company’ promotes wellness in everything, from product design and medical or scientific invention to social projects and environmental awareness. ‘Healthy people healthy planet’ being their core philosophy, Technogym is a socially responsible company that’s committed to promoting personal wellness and environmental stability.

Workout For Women At Home

Workout for women is now very easy to do at home or anywhere with this super cool workout equipment that call wellness bag. Don’t have time to exercise? Busy schedules and constant travel plans make it difficult for you to find time for workout? Well, I have a solution for you! Today with week 5 of the Dubai Fitness Challenge I am here with you to share some simple fun exercises that I do with the help of my favourite fitness bag from Technogym that i carry literally everywhere so that I don’t miss my workouts no matter how busy my schedule is.

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