Let me start with a few questions. You want to be fighting fit? You have the eagerness but you don’t have the time? Even if you have the time you are not finding the right gym? Or maybe you are not finding the right trainer? Or don’t have the budget for one? Do you want to train at home, but don’t have the right equipments? In case you have answered in YES to most of the above questions, then I have a solution for you. You don’t need a gym, you don’t need a trainer, and you don’t even need a big space. All you need is 20 minutes…and I can assure that you can be fighting fit as I am going to introduce you to HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training. Now you might have already heard of this training format, and some of you might even be practicing it already. But just in case you are yet unaware of the most popular and easiest form of training, there is a video guide below to the same. HIIT has emerged as an effective way of burning fat for many people around the world. In fact they are designed in a way to increase your heart rate, in short sharp intervals, which in turn increases your resting metabolic rate effectively. What I am coming to is that you can burn more calories even when you are resting. So here we go then, you should do 110 Reps total of all in one round and total of 5 rounds. A maximum of 15 seconds rest between exercises and a maximum of 1 minutes rest between rounds. - Start with some warm up, swing your legs, stretch your arm, ensure enough warmth in your hips - 30 * Squat Jumps. Squat as low as possible, almost as if sitting on a chair. And jump as high as you can. - 10* Walk Out Push Ups. Ensure that your back is straight. - 20* Mountain Climbers. Ensure that you stretch your legs to the fullest. - 10* Lunges + Squats on each leg. Stretch to the fullest as you can. - 20* Courtesy Lunges - 20* High Knees to Hands Repeat the whole round 5 times. Each exercise should be completed with maximal effort. At the end of the workout, you should be completely drained and exhausted. Ensure that your rest time is minimal as only then can you achieve a higher rate of resting metabolic activity. HIIT is known to be far more effective that normal forms of Cardio. In fact, in some researches it has been proved to be 50% more effective in burning fat tissues as compared to conventional forms of low-intensity exercises. But beyond that, this is one form of exercise that needs no gym, no equipments, no trainer and hardly any space. So…do you have any more excuses to not exercise? I am a fitness enthusiast and I just can’t imagine a day without indulging into activities that help me attain, sustain and maintain my fitness. I often experiment with various fitness regimes. With the pure intent of experiencing the various benefits of varied fitness modules, I am always on the lookout for new and effective ways of workout. I must confess HIIT has indeed helped me to a great extent and am sure you will see the results too, provided you stick to the line. I would love to know more about your exercise routine. Always happy to hear from you, what motivates you to keep fit; I would also like to know if you want to see more fitness videos on my page. Love and Health, Uma Follow Us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theumashow/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umagd/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/umagd Snapchat @umagd