What better way to start a Sunday than with a session of Yoga, Pranayama and meditation, as #IDY2021 celebrations continued with participants from across the country enjoying a session of Yoga from home and with family. The event ended with a short cultural performance and the announcement of winners of various Yoga themed competitions held over the last fortnight.
යෝගා සැසිවාරයකට වඩා ඉරිදා ආරම්භ කිරීමට වඩා හොඳ ක්‍රමය කුමක්ද? #IDY 2021 සැමරුම දිවයින පුරා පිරිස්  නිවසේ සිට පවුලේ අය සමඟ යෝගා පුහුණු වූහ. මෙය කෙටි සංස්කෘතිකාංගයක් සමඟ අවසන් වූ අතර විවිධ යෝගා තේමාත්මක තරඟවල ජයග්‍රාහකයින් ප්‍රකාශයට පත් කරන ලදී.

குடும்பத்தாருடன் இணைந்து #IDY2021ல் பங்குபற்றி ஞாயிறுதினத்தை இனிதே
ஆரம்பிக்க யோகா, பிரணாயாமம், தியானத்தைவிட சிறந்த வழி உண்டா? இந்நிகழ்வானது கலை நிகழ்வு மற்றும் இரு வாரங்களாக நடைபெற்ற யோகா போட்டிகளின்  வெற்றியாளர்களின் அறிவிப்புடன் முடிவுற்றது.
