OSHO: Opinions and Projections

"Opinions are yours, and I am a stranger, unpredictable; I can do anything which can go against your expectations. Then you will feel frustration, then you will move to the very opposite extreme." Osho ============================================ Now available on this channel, a new full length talk available everyday. Plus a collection of talks on subjects that matter to you: love, meditation, psychology, emotions, sex, money, power and many others. Sign up to enjoy all this and more!

OSHO TALKS: This Is Only a Device

"I am not even telling you to meditate. I am just talking to you and creating a certain atmosphere in which meditation happens to you." Osho ============================================ Get access to a new full length Osho talk everyday. Plus a collection of talks on subjects that matter to you: love, meditation, psychology, emotions, sex, money, power and many others. Sign up to enjoy all this and more!

OSHO: My Teaching Is Not for Pleasure

For many people 'enlightenment' is a concept which is very much mixed up with religious concepts of superiority of certain people. Osho addresses some of these misunderstandings and shares his unique insights. Upgrade your subscription and start listening today. A new full length talk available everyday. Plus a collection of talks on various themes.

OSHO: I Was Left to Myself

Politicians, Priest and other institution of our society uphold and praise the family and its values. OSHO looks at this from a very different point of view. " ...for seven years continuously nobody tried to corrupt my innocence; there was nobody. Those three old people who lived in the house, the servant and my grandparents, they were all protective in every possible way that nobody disturbs me. In fact I started feeling, as I grew up, a little embarrassed that because of me they can not talk, they cannot be normal as everybody else is.

OSHO: Books I Have Loved

"To me a book is not just a book; it is a love affair... I have loved reading from my very childhood. My own personal library consisted of one hundred fifty thousand rare books of all the religions, philosophies, poetry, literature. And I have read all of them, but with no purpose; I enjoyed it." The OSHO Library is maintained by Osho International Foundation. With the exception of about 1O,OOO, which have been gathered on his request after he stopped reading, all of these books have been read, signed and dated by Osho.

Osho: I Have Been Keeping a Secret My Whole Life — Now the Complete Answer

“I had always wanted not to be a Master to anybody. But people want a Master, they want to be disciples; hence, I played the role. It is time that I should say to you that now many of you are ready to accept me as the friend. Those who are in tune with me continuously, without any break, are the only real friends.” Upgrade your subscription. An ongoing series of full length talks with a new talk available everyday. Plus a collection of talks on various themes.

OSHO: The Credit Goes To You

"I am not the savior. And I do not want ever to be known, by that ugly word, savior. I am just a presence." Osho ============================================ Get access to new full length talks everyday. Plus a collection of talks on subjects that matter to you: love, meditation, psychology, emotions, sex, money, power and many others. Sign up to enjoy all this and more!

One on One With Osho

These are excerpts from rarely seen interviews between Osho and members of the international Press. Journalists from all over the world would meet him and these are some selected highlights to enjoy. 'To Live Joyfully is Natural', Excerpt from an interview with Bill Harlan, Denver Post. 'Every Master is a Dangerous Person', Excerpt from an interview with Christ Keizer, The Boston Globe, MA Upgrade your subscription and start listening today. A new full length talk available everyday. Plus a collection of talks on various themes.

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