Politicians, Priest and other institution of our society uphold and praise the family and its values. OSHO looks at this from a very different point of view. " ...for seven years continuously nobody tried to corrupt my innocence; there was nobody. Those three old people who lived in the house, the servant and my grandparents, they were all protective in every possible way that nobody disturbs me. In fact I started feeling, as I grew up, a little embarrassed that because of me they can not talk, they cannot be normal as everybody else is. It was just the opposite situation....It happens with children that you tell them, "Be silent because your father is thinking, your grandfather is resting. Be quiet, sit silently." In my childhood it happened opposite. Now I cannot answer why and how; it simply happened." Osho Available for translation of subtitles http://www.oshotalks.com © Osho International Foundation
