OSHO: A Courageous Jump Into the Ocean of Life

Osho who are you? Osho replies, and says that to find yourself you must lose yourself. "My invitation is to make you aflame, and unless you know a life which is luminous and aflame all your knowledge is just a deception. You are gathering it to help you forget that the real knowledge is missing. But however great is your accumulation of the other, the objective, the world, it is not going to become a substitute for your self-knowing. With self-knowing suddenly all darkness disappears, and all separation from existence.

OSHO: I Do Not Believe in Believing (Preview)

Did you ever ask yourself why all the religions of the world insist on believing, believing firmly, totally, passionately? Perhaps they have a suspicion, a good reason -- that with a little intelligent inquiry, their foundations might not look so solid after all? "Nobody asks me, "Do you believe in the roseflower?" There is no need. You can see: the roseflower is there or it is not there. Only fictions, not facts, have to be believed. God is the greatest fiction that man has created.

OSHO: I Speak so that You Can be Silent

Enjoy the OSHO Experience yourself at the OSHO International Meditation Resort: https://www.osho.com/visit You can participate in a full program of: OSHO Meditations: https://www.osho.com/meditate OSHO Active Meditations: https://www.osho.com/meditate/active-meditations/why-active-meditations OSHO Multiversity Programs: https://www.osho.com/learn Chose playlist in your own language:

OSHO: I Am Not a Teacher

"I am not a teacher. I am not teaching you anything at all. I am not a bridge between you and the Bible, between you and the Gita, between you and the Koran. I am not even a bridge between you and God – no. I am not giving you a teaching, a dogma, a creed, a philosophy, a theology. So understand the difference between a teacher and a master." Osho Full length videos, audiobooks, music, meditation and more.

OSHO: My Teaching Is Not for Pleasure (PREVIEW)

For many people 'enlightenment' is a concept which is very much mixed up with religious concepts of superiority of certain people. Osho addresses some of these misunderstandings and shares his unique insights. Excerpt form an interview with Osho, by Italian magazine 'The Pleasures'. The question asked is: Could enlightenment be the definition of the topmost pleasure? "It is not pleasure. Pleasure is always something opposed to pain; it is never separate from pain. So pain can become pleasure, that's why there are masochists in the world who torture themselves and enjoy.

OSHO: Above the Middle

"I will not say to you turn your other cheek if somebody hits you, no. Jesus can say it because he teaches humbleness. I cannot say that. I can only say one thing: let that moment decide. Sometimes perhaps you have to turn the other cheek. Sometimes perhaps you have to hit the man harder than he has hit you. Sometimes perhaps you have to hit on both his cheeks -- but nothing can be given to you as a ready-made formula." Available for translation of subtitles http://www.oshotalks.com © Osho International Foundation

OSHO: DeHypnosis - A Way to SuperConsciousness

"My talking to you has not the ordinary purpose that talking serves: indoctrination -- that is not the purpose of my talks." Osho ============================================ A new full length talk available everyday. Plus a collection of talks on subjects that matter to you: love, meditation, psychology, emotions, sex, money, power and many others. Sign up to enjoy all this and more!

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