www.kundalinibodywork.com Workshops, Trainings, and online courses. Study with the School of Energetic Bodywork https://elliottsaxby.com Or buy the book https://polaritywork.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elliottsaxby . . . . . . . . . . . . ABOUT ELLIOTT SAXBY: I see no difference between, spiritual energy, sexual energy, and healing energy. For real healing and other breakthroughs to take place, we need to be comfortable with, and harness our sexual energy. This work is best achieved with a gender polarity, be it physical or identified. A base of the work is recognising that we all have an inner masculine and an inner feminine. In my early 20's, I moved to the Findhorn Foundation, an Ecovillage in Scotland, with a big Buddhist influence After 6 years there, in 2011, I traveled to Asia studying massage and yoga. Through healing my own traumas, learning to forgive, and keep an open heart, without loosing my integrity, my Kundalini became active, and now stays mostly open. I feel blessed and privileged to share this experience with others who are open to it, in a helpful and transformative way. I see waking up our emotional and energetic bodies as the next step in human evolution, and key to living in a heart-based society. I believe humanity needs to get ready for a big cultural, and evolutionary shifts, and before this can happen, we all need to learn to forgive more easily, judge-less, and love & accept ourselves more. I have also written the book, “Masculine & Feminine Polarity Work”. I find the mental understanding conveyed, to be an essential component of this work.
