kundalinibodywork.online kundalinibodywork.com Session synopsis from today’s morning session. I’ve been working with this client and her husband for several months. Today’s session was more painful than normal, it was about transforming the childhood trauma of being controlled into the new energy and pattern of holding boundaries and taking responsibility which leads to having more freedom and trust, moving away from both feelings of victimhood and being dominated (as explained through the polarity framework). There was a cord/entity/energetic pattern in the stomach that kept the behaviour of always giving too much and sacrificing, and as you can see the throat was very blocked so we needed to be careful here not to build up too much energy, simply activating the body and then locking in the trauma instead of transforming it. Eventually the neck relaxed and everything became balanced, open and positive: this is one reason that I will only work holistically and include #nondualtherapy in my sessions and teachings, because we need change to happen on multiple levels if the transformation is to last. Normally her sessions are more pleasure with less pain. 🙏🙏 Thank you for offering your experience to be filmed and shared, I really appreciate your help in spreading this work 😊 #kundaliniactivation #kundalinishakti #kundalinibodywork #energeticbody #reiki
