This video is from a 60 minute Kundalini Bodywork open session. In these sessions everyone is having their own experience. Some people are working with their blocks, others releasing trauma, some people are dancing and moving into spontaneous yoga postures and mudras, some work with orgasmic energy and others talk light language (although this is more rare). There is no pressure to preform or to be filmed in these sessions or any of my workshops, there is always the option to stay behind the camera, everyone is simply encouraged and taught to work better with where they are at, so where they are at changes. The next weeks are really busy: I give 4 private sessions this weekend including a Yoni de-armouring, and giving sessions most of next week and then we move into the advanced Kundalini Bodywork August 6th, 7th & 8th and then the advanced De-armouring Training August 10th, 11th & 12th. Still time to sign up to both of them, if you're interested send me a message, so far we are a really great group.
