Guyana Defence Forces keeping fit with Yoga workshop in Georgetown

  • Guyana
  • 7th International Day of Yoga 2021

The Guyana Defence Forces keeping fit with Yoga workshop in Georgetown organized by the High Commission of India. 
Yoga helps manages physical and mental stress associated with Defense force officer’s job.
Choose a healthy lifestyle, choose Yoga !!
Be with Yoga, Be at Home
International Day of Yoga celebrated with the GUYANA DEFENCE FORCES

International Yoga Day 2021 Cameroon

  • Cameroon
  • 7th International Day of Yoga 2021

The High Commission of India organized a Curtain Raiser for International Yoga Day 2021 at the Chancery premises on 15th June, 2021. Many Yoga enthusiasts participated in the event. High Commissioner welcomed the participants and asked them to participate in the main Yoga event to be celebrated by the High Commission on 20th June, 2021 at Hotel Hilton. Some photos taken during the curtain raiser are enclosed.

Welcome to Yoga Week ! Cambodia

  • Cambodia
  • 7th International Day of Yoga 2021

Welcome to Yoga Week!  
Here is some  amazing work and  reason behind that has inspired their yoga practice. 
Theme: What inspired me to do yoga? 
At a very young age, I was diagnosed with some nerve disorder and was advised by a medical doctor to treat it with yoga practice. I started practicing yoga at the age of 6 within a year. I was cured since then I started loving yoga and it ended up being my passion and profession.

Name of the asanas
- Natarajasana 
- Hanumanasana
- Kapotasana 

Celebration of InternationalDayofYoga 2021 on the lake Bundek, Croatia

  • Croatia
  • 7th International Day of Yoga 2021

Central celebration of #InternationalDayofYoga 2021 on the lake Bundek. We deeply appreciate the participation of MP H. E. Mr. Veljko Kajtazi, representatives of city of Grad Zagreb Službena stranica, Indian-Croatian friendship societies & support of Zagreb Tourist Board.  🇮🇳🧘‍♂️🇭🇷


International Day of Yoga 2021 Celebration, Embassy of India, Baghdad

  • Iraq
  • 7th International Day of Yoga 2021

In run-up to International Day of Yoga 2021 Celebration, Embassy of India, Baghdad organized a “Curtain Raiser” in association with a group of Yoga teachers/enthusiasts led by Mr. Makki, Yoga trainer and Dr. Mustafa, Yoga Teacher from Baghdad. They gave demonstration of various Yoga Asanas.  Ambassador Shri Birender Singh Yadav also gave brief remarks on International Day of Yoga to Iraqi news Al Rasheed TV channel. 


International Yoga Day 2021 Colombo, Sri Lanka

  • Sri Lanka
  • 7th International Day of Yoga 2021

#Yoga promises wellness to both mind and body.Glimpses of an online yoga session attended by Most Ven. Dr. Wimalasara Thero, Ven.monks and others at Param Dhamma Chaitya Pirivena in Ratmanala today. #IDY2021 #BeWithYogaBeAtHome 

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