Trailer YOGA EVOLUTION with TRAVIS ELIOT Join Travis Eliot on a journey to Goa, India in Yoga Evolution. This Holistic yoga flow journey is rooted within the exploration of ones physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Be prepared to be transported to another world steeped with devotion and the awe inspiring settings of practicing inside a Hindu Temple, a remote village courtyard, and on the beach at sunset.

RADHE - MUSIC VIDEO - Travis Eliot

Performed live by Travis Eliot and Dahveed this music video features a Radhe chant sung as a meditative lullaby. The music was inspired by the intense longing that Radha feels to be eternally united with her beloved Krishna. When separated from her Krishna, Radha cries a river of tears. Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion) is all about devoting ones entire self to the Divine through the pathway of the heart. In this video it is done through the singing of the sacred name...Radhe Radhe!

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