OSHO Nataraj Meditation

Nataraj is the energy of dance. This is dance as a total meditation, where all inner division disappears and a subtle, relaxed awareness remains.

The meditation is to be done with its specific OSHO Nataraj Meditation music, which indicates and energetically supports the different stages.
For the music availability, see below. 

The meditation lasts 65 minutes and has three stages.

Meditation is Non-Doing

When people come to me and they ask, "How to meditate?" I tell them, "There is no need to ask how to meditate, just ask how to remain unoccupied. Meditation happens spontaneously. Just ask how to remain unoccupied, that's all. That's the whole trick of meditation - how to remain unoccupied. Then you cannot do anything. The meditation will flower.

Stop! : OSHO Meditation

Just as you have the impulse to do something, stop.

You can try it anywhere. You are taking your bath – suddenly order yourself to 'Stop!' and stop. Even if it is only for a single moment, you will feel a different phenomenon happening within you. You are thrown to the center and suddenly everything stops – not only the body. When the body stops totally, your mind stops also.

Relieving Facial Tension : OSHO Meditation

Every night before you go to sleep, sit in your bed and start making faces – just as small children enjoy doing. Make all kinds of faces – good, bad, ugly, beautiful, so the whole face and the musculature start moving. Make sounds, nonsense sounds will do, and sway, just for ten to fifteen minutes and then go to sleep.

In the morning, before you take your bath, again stand before the mirror and for ten minutes make faces. Standing before the mirror will help: you will be able to see and you will be able to respond.

OSHO Mandala Meditation

Every circle contains a center. In the first three stages of this energetic and powerful technique, centering is the aim, through the creation of a circle of energy. Then, in the fourth stage, the relaxation.

The meditation is to be done with its specific OSHO Mandala Meditation music, which indicates and energetically supports the different stages.
For the music availability, see below.

The meditation lasts one hour and has four stages. The meditation is over when you hear three gong beats.

OSHO Golden Light Meditation

This is a simple method of transforming your energy and leading it upward.
It is best done at least twice a day, for twenty minutes each: in the morning just before getting out of bed and in the evening just before going to sleep.

The meditation can be done with its specific OSHO Golden Light Meditation music, which indicates and energetically supports it.
For the music availability, see below. 

The meditation lasts 20 minutes. The meditation is over when you hear three bells.

OSHO No-Dimensions Meditation

This active centering meditation is based on Sufi techniques, further developed and expanded by Osho. Using the breath and a series of coordinated body movements followed by whirling, your energy becomes centered in the hara, the “life energy” center below the navel. From there you can watch the mind and experience awareness and wholeness – the body moving in all directions, the center unmoving.


The meditation is to be done with its specific OSHO No-Dimensions Meditation music, which indicates and energetically supports the different stages.

OSHO Laughter Meditation

This meditation helps you to start enjoying the small things of life – childlike, liquid, mirrorlike. The first stage is of giggling and laughing, in the second stage you earth yourself; energized by this, your dance in the last stage will have a different quality.

The meditation can be done with its specific OSHO Laughter Meditation recording, which indicates and energetically supports the different stages.
For availability details, see below.

ध्यान : स्टॉप! - ओशो

जैसे ही कुछ करने की वृत्ति हो, रुक जाओ।


तुम कहीं भी इसका प्रयोग कर सकते हो। तुम स्नान कर रहे हो; अचानक अपने को कहो: स्टॉप! अगर एक क्षण के लिए भी यह एकाएक रुकना घटित हो जाए तो तुम अपने भीतर कुछ भिन्न बात घटित होते पाओगे। तब तुम अपने केंद्र पर फेंक दिए जाओगे। और तब सब कुछ ठहर जाएगा। तुम्हारा शरीर तो पूरी तरह रुकेगा ही, तुम्हारा मन भी गति करना बंद कर देगा।


ध्यान : श्वास : सबसे गहरा मंत्र - ओशो

श्वास भीतर जाती है, इसका आपके प्राणों में पूरा बोध हो कि श्वास भीतर जा रही है। श्वास बाहर जाती है, इसका भी आपके प्राणों में पूरा बोध हो कि श्वास बाहर जा रही है। और आप पाएंगे कि एक गहन शांति उतर आई है। यदि आप श्वास को भीतर जाते हुए और बाहर जाते हुए, भीतर जाते हुए और बाहर जाते हुए देख सकें, तो यह अभी तक खोजे गए मंत्रों में से सबसे गहरा मंत्र है।

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