International Day of Yoga @ Abuja

  • Nigeria
  • 7th International Day of Yoga 2021

The 7th International Day of Yoga was celebrated at our premises today (19 June 2021), with nearly 350 participants in-person and over 1000 on FB live. High Commissioner Abhay Thakur welcomed senior officials from the Nigerian Presidency, Ministries of Health, Sports and Defence, Diplomatic Corps, Indian community, & yoga enthusiasts, and thanked Govt. of Nigeria for its support. The enthusiasm for the theme “Yoga for Wellness“ was immense.

InternationalDayOfYoga was celebrated at our Office in Lagos, at the Ahmadu Bello Stadium in Kaduna

  • Nigeria
  • 7th International Day of Yoga 2021

InternationalDayOfYoga was celebrated at our Office in Lagos, at the Ahmadu Bello Stadium in Kaduna, and by Yaarana Association in NDjamena. Friends of India, universities, health & sports enthusiasts and Indian community participated. Popularity of Yoga is growing everywhere.

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