Kundalini Bodywork & Self Practice. After moving through guilt and shame, moving through trauma expressed as anger, tears and laughter and then the physical releases through coughing, spiting and sometimes throwing up, and of course learning some basic knowledge of how to flow energy through our energetic body and the different pathways: then most people can reach a break through like the one in this video, they liberate their sexual energy and can use it to heal, or manifest more of what their soul desires. Some people move into yoga, mudras and dance, others start speaking light language (speaking in tongues), some people have past life regressions, their 3rd eye opens and downloads come in, and many people experience bliss, sometimes in the first session but as this work is therapy that leads to generating these experiences within to later share with others: not everyone gets here or even wants to get here through this work. Some people simply want to get over debilitating traumas in a holistic way, or conquer their depression, and this is when non-dual psychology and the polarity framework combined with this energy work is essential. To achieve profound and blissful states there needs to be some level of spiritual practice/connection and a deep commitment to something more than the ego, you need to earn these experiences for lasting transformation to occur, but for anyone who has a basic practice and a desire to liberate their sexuality through tantric practices or otherwise becoming more of who they really are then it's possible for many with this work. kundalinibodywork.online, supports you to create a self-practice that leads to deep and profound transformations, it's a holistic approach and you learn both experientially and intellectually. Huge thank you to the woman in this video who has been practicing this work for I think two years now and when we do online sessions her body just opens like this so beautifully. Other people come and convulse in pain, cry for a long time, feel anger and rage, it's all welcome but eventually with enough practice our authentic expression should be blissful, joyful and orgasmic. https://kundalinibodywork.online https://kundalinibodywork.com
