We all know that toxins are quite dangerous to the body. When we consume food, some portion of it remains unprocessed and this result in toxins formation. So, the Apna Mudra helps in detoxifying the body.

How to do Apan Mudra?

To practice Apana mudra brings the tip of the ring and middle finger in contact with the tip of the thumb. keep other two fingers (index & little) lightly stretched straight.

Time & Duration

Practice the Apan mudra for 45 minutes most preferably during the morning, but you can also practice it other time of the day.

Benefits of Apan Mudra

As in Apan Vayu mudra, Ether and Earth elements unites with the fire element, it brings equanimity between upper and lower organs of the body. n

  • This mudra promotes smooth downward flowing force in the reproductive and digestive organs of the body to flush out body toxins.
  • Practicing it reduces the chances of the heart attack.
  • Apan Vayu mudra helps to get over constipation & gas related problems
  • It also cures gum & some severe dental problems