This hand mudra acts in a manner that assists in stabilizing the energies in the body. It is the finger movement that aims at getting rid of the pain. Back mudra contains the healing properties. It works effectively for someone having a weak back or due to prolonged activities like sitting and cleaning for long.

Back mudra is more effective if done in combination with meditation.

How to do Back Mudra?

This mudra performed with both hands performing different gestures. For left hand let the tip of the thumb, ring, and middle fingers touch each other. And extend the ring finger towards the little finger.

For right hand put your thumb tip on the index finger’s nail, then extend all other fingers outwards.

Time & Duration

Do this mudra for 5 – 7 minutes at any time of the day.

Benefits of Back Mudra

As the name suggests this mudra aids in getting rid of the intolerable back pain. This mudra treats both upper as well as lower back pains.

Yoga Mudras Practicing Guide

Every single yoga mudra comprises some specific instruction to practice it but some common things we should take care of while or before practicing any yoga mudra.

  1.  Before practicing any yoga mudra (especially hand mudras), completely wash your hands with sanitizer and dry hands off.
  2. Most of the mudra practiced while sitting comfortably in Sukhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana or even you can sit on the chair if not comfortable with Asanas
  3. Now make the bowl shape with your hands & place them near the navel for a while. (As it’ll absorb energy in hands from Manipura chakra).
  4. Press fingertips with enough pressure to feel energy flow effectively in yoga mudra but not enough to whiten fingertips
  5. While you practicing any specific mudra, hold the mudra position for at least 12 breath counts & bring complete focus on breathing.
  6. Mudra’s working efficiency increases with ‘time to hold’ it. Practice a mudra for a couple of minutes initially and later on expand time up to 15-20 minutes.