The shape made in this mudra resembles the phallus shape so it is called Linga (Sanskrit term for phallus) mudra. Linga mudra symbolizes the fire element which presents in the thumb. It generates heat in the body and can result in sweating even during winter times if done for an extended period. 

How to do Linga Mudra?

To practice this mudra, Join both palms together and interlock the fingers of both hands. Now, leave your thumb upright while it will be surrounded by the other hand’s thumb and index finger. Put a little pressure while inhaling and exhaling usually.

Time & Duration

You can practice this mudra 3 to 4 times at any time of the day. Each time hold it for 4-5 minutes.

Benefits of Linga Mudra

Linga Mudra benefits in reinforcing the heat energy in the body. Also

  • It works to build up strength against cold, cough & asthma. 
  • This mudra clears the mucus & phlegm from the lungs.
  • Increases metabolism & so the effective in weight reducing