Prana symbolizes the vital life force which is responsible for maintaining a natural balance in the body.  This mudra works on to energize this vital life force. It relates to the heart and soul of the person. This yoga mudra boosts the water element and the earth element in the body. Also, it decreases the fire element in the body.

It is a standout amongst the various yoga mudras as it has many advantages for wellbeing and health. Prana mudra help in eliminating the deficiency arises due to vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K  in the body.

Practicing prana mudra in a quiet room stimulates the working of 5 senses.

How to do Prana Mudra?

Bend your little finger and ring finger and press it against the tip of the thumb. Keep other two fingers (index & middle) lightly stretched or free as per your comfort. 

Time & Duration

Practice it daily for 30 – 45 minutes during the morning to energize the body & stimulates the Prana with conscious breathing.

Benefits of Prana Mudra

As working of the Prana Mudra closely associated with the root chakra, it’s beneficial to awaken the kundalini energy of the body. furthermore, Prana mudra has the following benefits.

  • Prana mudra improves the attentiveness and presence of mind ability when practiced regularly. This also helps in relieving from stress and anxiety problems
  • Optical nerves present in the tip of the little & ring finger stimulated with prana mudra thereby it’s good practice to cure vision-related problems
  • Effectively works in strengthening the immune system
  • Also, any kind of joint pain in the back or in the lower body can  be cured by the practice of prana mudra