When you decide to practice a Yoga Mudra for a particular health issue, follow it consistently for a few weeks or even months. A Yogi from India uses the healing power of mudra for therapeutic treatments of sexual, back pain & asthma patients. As it takes several months or years for a severe ailment to develop, thus, Yoga Mudra can take a few weeks but regular and consistent practice must be obeyed.


Yoga mudra is a subtler but vital part of yoga. In hatha yoga, mudras are practiced only after the proficiency in asana, pranayama & bandha. Mudra associated with the changing mental and spiritual features of an individual. This change through mudra lets channelize the internal energy by affecting sensory glands, veins & organs of the body.


  1. Classification of Electrophotonic Images of Yogic Practice of Mudra through Neural Networks 
  2. Therapeutic Role of Yoga in Type 2 Diabetes 
  3. hand mudra effect on cardiac and neurological parameters in preventing heart attack 
  4. Ancient Healing Rediscovered